Withdrawal Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find the answer to your question here, please contact us directly and we’ll do our best to answer any inquiry that you may have. 

What is a Withdrawal Card?

Upon request, the Local will issue a Withdrawal Card to a member who must leave his or her union protected job for an extended period. Reasons for issuing a Withdrawal Card include, but are not limited to:

  • Leave of absence
  • Medical leave
  • Undue hardship
  • Family responsibilities
  • Military service

Do I need a Withdrawal Card?

You should request a Withdrawal Card if you are going to be off for an extended period of time.

The following reasons apply:

  • Leaves of absences
  • Medical leave
  • Undo hardships
  • Family responsibilities
  • Military service

This is how our office knows. You are not going to be working and therefor not remitting union dues. When you return to work you will not owe back dues or an initiation fee. If you return to work at another Teamster represented place of employments, you can deposit your withdrawal card and avoid re-initiation fees.

How does having a Withdrawal Card affect my membership?

When we issue you a Withdrawal Card your status is as “inactive”. This means you do not pay membership dues after the month in which you submit your request for a Withdrawal Card.

During this time, you are not eligible for membership voice and vote.  

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